Organize Business Receipts

Organize Your Business Receipts with the TurboScan app!

Business receipts, organization, turboscan app, photography tools, accounting, business management

You know us. Anytime we come across a new tool that can be used to make your photography business more organized, we are on it! Enter the TurboScan app!

This nifty app “scans” your business receipts by using the camera on your phone. It automatically detects the edges and you can use the contrast to boost it if it’s a lighter receipt. Now you don’t have to worry about a bulky receipt scanner. You can just use your phone wherever you go!

turboscan, organize receipts, business tools,

You can even attach the image to an email address, enter in the information (where, when, why) in the subject line, and send it off to yourself. All your receipts are organized in your email and no more piles of receipts. It’s an awesome way to get your photography business organized!

receipt organization, turboscan, accounting, business organization, photography business tools

You can find TurboScan in the app store for just $3.99. Compared to the price of a desktop receipt scanner, how awesome is that?? Check them out today!



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